【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』一个承载着城市精神与品质追求的标杆项目以其独特的核心理念和卓越品质在上海这座繁华都市中熠熠生辉上海土地交易市场在端午节假期带来了一份重大“惊喜”——新房联动价取消!就在不久前(6月7日),上海土地交易市场发布了第三批次土地交易的详细信息,这标志着土拍端和销售端都将迎来全新的变革。【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『土拍端方面,取消了原先的最高溢价10%的限制,改为价高者得的原则确定竞得人。这一变化意味着市场竞争将更加激烈,土地资源的配置效率也将得到进一步提升。销售端方面,新房联动价机制被取消,改为一房一价备案制度。这一调整将使得房价更加透明化,购房者能够更清晰地了解每套房源的实际价格。这一政策变革将直接推动土地市场价格的上涨,同时中环区域也将面临新一轮的价格调整。随着这一最新政策的出台,预计上海房地产市场将呈现更加稳定、更加健康的发展态势。中环云悦府,79000元/平米联动均价,为追求高品质生活的您提供了绝佳时机。随着新出台政策落地实行,未来房地价面临新一轮涨价,未来价格变更后,中环云悦府作为新政前被严格限价的项目,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『买到即是赚到,入住先锋品质住区,绝佳上车机会!新政组合拳下,首付最低 111万起 入主中环旁的悦己生活。地产的黄金法则是:地段,地段,还有地段!!中环云悦府,坐落上海中环区域热土,以追求品质为先导,倾力打造一个集完善配套、便捷交通、高性价比、高效生活、【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『时尚场景体验、系统技术领先等诸多优势于一体的优质居住空间,拥抱万千繁华,筑梦上海人居新标杆。随着现代人们对理想生活的追求愈发强烈,中环云悦府洞察购房者的内心需求,以极具质感的实景璀璨呈现在众人眼中,让理想生活的追寻者置身实地,感受来自云悦府的人居情怀。入主中环云悦府,体【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『验夏天的热烈,春天的柔情,秋天的宁静和冬天的神秘,四季在此融入生活。三重悦升,不仅是一次对中环的超越,更是一场深入上海版图的探索之旅。我们在这广袤的城市中,不断寻找那些独特的破局点和鲜明的区隔性,以期能够为上海心中那份向往的理想生活,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『找到一个完美的价值落位。一、第一重悦升:悦动上海,从“脱桃入环”到“中环先锋”的华丽转身上海普陀区的中环云悦府项目,以卓越品质和优越地理位置,成为中环璀璨明珠,实现从“脱桃入环”到“中环先锋”的转变【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『。普陀作为上海重要主城区域,其配套醇熟,交通便捷,七条地铁线加持,为居者提供便捷畅快的出行体验,是置业者理想之地。作为繁华副中心的普陀真如地区。环宇荟MAX、信泰中心等商业巨擘开业,为中心城区增添了浓厚的商业活力和畅快的消费体【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『验。随着中心城区首家山姆会员店的落户,更预示着区域生活购物的进阶体验,也彰显了这片土地巨大的潜力。同时它也是当下上海主城区最大规模的成片开发区域,桃浦智创城以科技创新为引擎,为区域发展注入了源源不断的新动力【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『。而中环云悦府项目,正是这片热土上的璀璨明珠,以其卓越的建筑品质、高质的居住环境和丰富的生活配套,引领主城区的发展潮流。二、第二重悦升:悦己生活,从“咫尺世界”迈向“静谧理想”值此一步在都市的喧嚣中,中环云悦府精心打造隐于城市的静谧之地。巧妙地隐匿于城市绿肺中。在享受现代都市的便捷与潮流的同时,沉醉于清新空气与大自然的温柔怀抱。这里,不仅是繁华与宁静的交相辉映,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『更是生活与自然的和谐共生。自然之悦:倾力打造双轴·一环·三进·多花园的精致景观布局,让自然与建筑和谐共融,营造出一方宁静雅致的居住胜地;【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『优雅之悦:酒店级服务,尊崇归家礼序,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『彰显业主尊贵身份,从地库精装空间强化业主归家从公共领域到私人空间的归属感,地库升级改造到社区入户大堂,到新五感场景的打造,浦园十景,居住到社交场域优雅之旅;奢享之悦:恒温泳池、棋牌室、瑜伽房、健身房、艺术长廊等度假式会所,私享星级生活,为居者打造专属的“第二客厅”,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『社区乐活架空层,打造奢华酒店级社区社交场和生活品质;沉浸之悦:全龄乐活园林,活力四溢的生活场景,健康环跑道、全龄架空层、全龄段儿童乐园等设施一应俱全,满足各年龄层业主的多元化需求。【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『尊贵之悦:为给广大业主爱车保驾,【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『在已有车库的基础上我们不断迭代更新,营造新的尊贵车库体验。车马厅吊顶由星空顶提升为镜面不锈钢吊顶,增加造型灯;车马厅背景墙增加不锈钢造型细节,普通石材提升为奢石岩板;打破传统车库的钢筋水泥印象,柱子石材造型提升【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『为弧形,柱子增加定制艺术壁灯,很大程度提升了车库的艺术气息;行车道吊顶颜色由浅黄色修改为灰白色,车库品质感和气质感拉满。在空间布局与细节处理上,中环云悦府同样精益求精。阔境之悦,功能、阳光、空间、巨幕四大阔境设计【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『,让每一寸空间都充满生活的温度与活力,每一处都彰显项目对品质的执着与追求。三、第三重悦升:跃进不止,从“生活场域”到“先锋住区”细节把控从立面的精心打造,到选材的严苛执行【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『,中环云悦府凭借匠心独运的100项精工细节,精心打造出极质先锋的品质住区。建筑系统:全幕墙立面、超低能耗建筑、星标装修车库,双入户大堂(地下车库归家大堂、地上大堂)等雅奢品味由外到内【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『,让理想生活更为尊贵。健康系统:除霾新风系统、大金中央空调系统、地暖系统等前沿科技系统,为健康生活加码。安全系统:奢配装甲入户门、西门子电【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『子锁、智能密码锁、电梯梯控、户外呼梯系统等,安全加倍,生活时刻守护。工艺系统:高品质食材、雅致开关面板、暗【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『藏式拉手、入户玄关感应灯、静音门锁等数十于技术加持,让诚意在细节中尽显,人性化生活和颜值考究在此升华。厨卫系统:品牌油烟机、品牌洗碗机、品牌灶台、品牌嵌入式冰箱、四合一风暖浴霸、品牌易清洁马桶、热带雨林花洒、主【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『卫双漩劲冲壁挂马桶等严选品牌及便捷设计,让现代生活更为理想。收纳系统:入户玄关分区收纳、柜下便捷换鞋空间、厨房置物空间、坐便侧龛卫生纸手机置物设计、洗手台吹风机架等全【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『屋收纳设计,“细节狂魔”,让生活整洁有序。此外,中环云悦府更致力于提供归心之悦的2.0幸福家服务。将户内系统、社区规划、全龄景观、生活配套、智慧人居、【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『归家礼遇六大理念融入生活,为居者提供创新的生活方式与极具品质的居住体验。户内系统:黄金人体工学、人性化细节、儿童房解决方案、玄关系统、卧室系统、餐厨系统、卫浴系统、收纳系统、温控【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『系统;社区规划:建筑美学、人性化细节、自【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『然树规划、艺术精神、有机生态系统、阳光环保计划;全龄景观:萌宠天地、植物教育园、全龄运动场、口袋公园、亲子乐园、小大人世界、夜光跑道;生活配套:社区会所、小象驿站、美学泛空间;智慧人居:智慧服务系统、感应照明系统、人脸及车牌识别安防系统;归家礼遇:车行礼遇、酒店式大堂、多重礼遇入户、景观礼遇。幸福生活细节2.0,以标准化服务为基础【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『,融合定制式软服务的温馨关怀,让业主在享受高品质生活的同时,更能感受到家的温馨与和谐。展望未来,中环云悦府将继续秉持【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『先锋主义者的精神,以匠心独运的细致与专注,不断推动项目在居住品质、社区文化、服务体验等方面的创新与突破。双巨擘国企铸造,中环云悦府象屿地产与浙江交控两大五百强携手共建,以云端美学人居致献城市繁华秘境。项目全面承袭悦府系产品实力,以标杆级产品引全城仰望。坚信未来,中环云悦府将成为引领未来居住潮流的先锋住区,为业主带来更加美好、更加先锋的生活体验。【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『户型鉴赏在万众期待中,中环云悦府即将二次开盘,85-135平先锋精工奢阔三房满足多元居住需求,85平精奢户型震撼登场,以其卓越的设计和合理的价格,成为追求品质生活的理想之选。约85平米的精致三房,拥有宽敞的居住空间和优越的得房率。全景飘窗与转角观景阳台的设计,使得【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『阳光与清风能够自由地流淌于室内,窗外美景尽收眼底。三开间朝南匠心设计,确保每个角落都沐浴在温暖的阳光下,清风徐来,为居住者带来舒适与惬意。空间布局经过精心优化,既满足了现代都市生活的多元化需求,又彰显出大气而不失细腻的生活品质。邀请三五好友相聚,畅谈人生,品一杯小酒,尽享惬意时光。【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"A benchmark project bearing the spirit of the city and the pursuit of qualityWith its unique core concept and excellent qualityShining in the bustling city of ShanghaiShanghai's land market delivers a big surprise during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday-- New house linkage price canceled!Not long ago (June 7), the Shanghai land trading market released the details of the third batch of land transactions, which marks the land auction and sales end will usher in a new change. 【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "On the land auction side, the original maximum premium limit of 10% was abolished, and the principle of the highest price wins was changed to determine the winner. This change means that the market competition will be more intense, and the allocation efficiency of land resources will be further improved.On the sales side, the linkage price mechanism of new homes has been cancelled and changed to a one-room, one-price filing system. The change will make prices more transparent, giving buyers a clearer picture of the actual price of each listing.This policy change will directly promote the rise of land market prices, and the Central region will also face a new round of price adjustment. With the introduction of this latest policy, it is expected that the Shanghai real estate market will show a more stable and healthy development trend.Central Yunyue Mansion, 79,000 yuan/square meter linkage average price, for the pursuit of high quality of life for you to provide an excellent opportunity. With the implementation of the new policy, the future housing and land prices are facing a new round of price increases, after the future price change, Central Yunyue House as a project that was strictly limited before the New Deal, [Putuo Central Yunyue House] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "To buy is to earn, to live in pioneer quality residential areas, the perfect opportunity to get on the bus! Under the combination of the New Deal, the down payment is at least 1.11 million next to the joy of life in Central."The golden rule of real estate is: Location, location, and location!Central Yunyue Mansion, located in the hot land of Shanghai Central region, takes the pursuit of quality as the guide, and strives to create a complete set of supporting facilities, convenient transportation, cost-effective, efficient life, 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "High-quality living space with many advantages such as fashion scene experience and system technology leadership, embrace myriad prosperity and build a new benchmark for Shanghai human Settlements."As modern people's pursuit of ideal life becomes more and more intense, Central Yunyue Mansion insight into the inner needs of buyers, with a very texted reality bright in the eyes of everyone, so that seekers of ideal life in the field, feel the living feelings from Yunyue Mansion. Enter the Central Yun Yue House, body [Putuo Central Yun Yue House] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! "The warmth of summer, the tenderness of spring, the serenity of autumn and the mystery of winter, the four seasons blend into life here."Triple ascension,Not only is it a leapfrog over Central,It is also a journey of exploration into the territory of Shanghai.Here we are in this vast city,Constantly looking for unique breaking points and distinct distinctions,In order to be able to aspire to the ideal life in the heart of Shanghai, 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "Find the perfect value.First, the first Yuesheng:Happy move Shanghai, from the "peach into the ring" to the "Central pioneer" gorgeous turnCentral Yunyue House project in Shanghai Putuo District, with excellent quality and superior geographical location, has become a bright pearl in Central, achieving the transformation from "out of peach into the ring" to "Central pioneer" [Putuo Central Yunyue House] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! ". Putuo, as an important main city area of Shanghai, with its mature supporting facilities, convenient transportation and seven subway lines, provides residents with a convenient and smooth travel experience, and is an ideal place for home buyers.Putuo Zhenru area as a bustling sub-center. The opening of Huanyu MAX, Xintai Center and other commercial giants has added a strong commercial vitality and a pleasant consumer body to the central district [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! With the settlement of the first Sam club store in the central city, it indicates the advanced experience of regional life shopping, and also highlights the huge potential of this land. At the same time, it is also the largest development area in the main urban area of Shanghai, Taopu Zhichuang City with scientific and technological innovation as the engine, injected a steady stream of new power for regional development [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! ". The Central Yun Yue Mansion project is the shining pearl on this hot land, leading the development trend of the main urban area with its excellent architectural quality, high-quality living environment and rich living facilities.Second, the second Yue Sheng:Enjoy your own life, from the "near world" to the "quiet ideal" on this stepAmidst the hustle and bustle of the city, Yun Yue House in Central has carefully created a quiet place hidden in the city. Cleverly hidden in the green lung of the city. While enjoying the convenience and trend of modern cities, indulge in the fresh air and the gentle embrace of nature. Here, not only is the prosperity and tranquility of each other, [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "It is a harmonious coexistence between life and nature.The Joy of Nature: We strive to create the exquisite landscape layout of two axes, one ring, three steps and many gardens, so that nature and architecture can harmoniously integrate and create a quiet and elegant living resort; 【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Elegant Joy: hotel-level service, respect for home etiquette, 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "To highlight the distinguished identity of the owner, from the basement hardcover space to strengthen the owner's sense of belonging from the public domain to the private space, the basement upgrade to the community entrance lobby, to the creation of the new five senses scene, the ten views of Puyuan, the elegant journey of living to the social field;Luxury pleasure: heated swimming pool, chess room, yoga room, gym, art gallery and other resort-style clubs, private star life, for the residents to create an exclusive "second living room", 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "The community is happy to live on the shelf, creating a luxury hotel-level community social field and quality of life;The joy of immersion: All age happy garden, vibrant life scene, healthy ring track, all age elevated floor, all age children's playground and other facilities are available to meet the diversified needs of owners of all ages.【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Noble Joy: For the majority of owners love the car, 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "On the basis of the existing garage, we continue to iterate to create a new premium garage experience. The ceiling of the hall is upgraded from the star ceiling to the mirror stainless steel ceiling, and the modeling lights are added; the background wall of the hall is increased in stainless steel modeling details, and the ordinary stone is upgraded to the luxury stone slab; the reinforced concrete impression of the traditional garage is broken, and the stone modeling of the pillars is upgraded [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official Sales Office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice for high-end life! "Add custom art wall lamps for the arc and pillars, which greatly improves the artistic atmosphere of the garage; the color of the suspended ceiling of the driveway is modified from light yellow to gray white, and the garage is full of quality and gas texture."In terms of spatial layout and details, Yunyue House in Central also strives for excellence. The joy of the broad landscape, function, sunshine, space, giant screen four broad landscape design [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Let every inch of space be full of the temperature and vitality of life, and every place highlights the project's dedication and pursuit of quality."Third, the third double ascension:Leap forward, from the "living field" to the "pioneer residential area" details controlFrom the careful construction of the facade to the strict implementation of the selection of materials [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Yun Yue House in Central has carefully created an extremely pioneer quality residential area with 100 ingenious details."Building system: full curtain wall facade, ultra-low energy consumption building, star decoration garage, double entrance lobby (underground garage home lobby, ground lobby) and other elegant luxury taste from outside to inside [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "To make the ideal life more noble.Health system: free from haze fresh air system, Dajin central air conditioning system, floor heating system and other cutting-edge scientific and technological systems for healthy life.Security system: Luxury armored door, Siemens [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Sub-lock, intelligent password lock, elevator ladder control, outdoor call system, etc., double security, life is always guarded."Process system: high quality ingredients, elegant switch panel, dark [Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Tibetan handle, entrance door induction lights, silent door locks and other dozens of technology blessing, let the sincerity in the details, human life and appearance level in this sublimation."Kitchen and bathroom system: brand range hood, brand dishwasher, brand stove, brand embedded refrigerator, four-in-one air warm bath, brand easy to clean toilet, tropical rain shower, the main [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "Wei double Whirlpool power flush wall hanging toilets and other strict selection of brands and convenient design, so that modern life is more ideal."Storage system: entrance entrance partition storage, convenient shoe change space under the cabinet, kitchen storage space, toilet paper mobile phone storage design, vanity dryer rack and other [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) new choice of high-end life! "House storage design," details crazy ", make life clean and orderly.In addition, Yun Yuet House Central is committed to providing Home Joy 2.0 Happy Home service. The indoor system, community planning, all-age landscape, living facilities, smart living, 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "The six concepts of home courtesy are integrated into life to provide residents with an innovative lifestyle and a high-quality living experience."Indoor system: Golden ergonomics, humanized details, children's room solutions, entrance system, bedroom system, kitchen system, bathroom system, storage system, temperature control [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "The system;Community planning: Architectural aesthetics, humanized details, from the 【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Natural tree planning, artistic spirit, organic ecosystem, sunshine environmental protection program;All-age landscape: Pet world, plant Education Park, all-age sports field, pocket park, parent-child paradise, small adult world, luminous track;Living facilities: community club, elephant station, aesthetic pan space;Smart living: smart service system, induction lighting system, face and license plate recognition security system;Home benefits: car service benefits, hotel lobby, multiple benefits, landscape benefits.Happy life Details 2.0, based on standardized service [Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! ", the integration of customized soft service warm care, so that owners enjoy high-quality life at the same time, more can feel the warmth and harmony of home."Looking forward to the future, Zhonghuan Yun Yue Mansion will continue to uphold the official sales office of 【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 : 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "The spirit of the avant-garde, with ingenious meticulousness and focus, constantly promote the project in the quality of living, community culture, service experience and other aspects of innovation and breakthrough."Double giant state-owned enterprise casting, Central Yunyue Mansion Xiangyu Real estate and Zhejiang Control two big 500 to build together, to cloud aesthetic habitat to offer the city's prosperous secret environment. The project fully inherits the product strength of Yuefu department and draws the city to look up to benchmarking products. Firmly believe in the future, Yunyue House will become a pioneer residential area leading the future trend of living, bringing owners a better and more pioneering life experience. 【 Putuo Central Yun Yue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) New choice of high-end life! "House type appreciationIn the expectation, the Central Yun Yue Mansion is about to open for the second time, 85-135 square pioneer Seiko Luxury three rooms to meet the diverse living needs, 85 square luxury apartment shock debut, with its excellent design and reasonable price, become the ideal choice for the pursuit of quality life.About 85 square meters of exquisite three rooms, with spacious living space and superior room availability. Panoramic bay window and corner view balcony design, make [Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! "The sun and breeze can flow freely through the interior, and you can see the beautiful scenery outside the window. The southward design of the three rooms ensures that every corner is bathed in warm sunshine, and the breeze comes slowly, bringing comfort and comfort to the occupants. The space layout is carefully optimized, which not only meets the diversified needs of modern urban life, but also highlights the atmospheric and delicate quality of life. Invite three or five friends to meet, talk about life, taste a glass of wine, and enjoy a pleasant time. 【 Putuo Central Yunyue Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!【普陀中环云悦府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!